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Casca Shot Pulse Line Neon Yellow Mat
Preț cu TVA: 570 427.5
Cel mai mic preț: 570.00 lei
Economisiți: 142.50 lei (-25%)
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Cod produs:
Caracteristici produs
Marime Casca:
Casca Shot Pulse Line Neon Yellow Mat
Casca Shot Pulse Line Neon Yellow Mat
Shot Helmet Pulse Line Neon Yellow Matt
- ABS Shell
- 1 size of shell and 2 EPS for a perfect fit
- Shock-Absorber chin bar insert
- 6 intake vents
- 4 exhaust vents
- Morpho-Conforming liner
- Vented liner, fully removable and washable
- Adjustable vented peak
- Polyurethane (PU) hard varnish finishing
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