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Transport gratuit la comenzile peste: 300 RON persoane fizice, 900 RON dealeri
Transport gratuit la comenzile peste: 300 RON persoane fizice, 900 RON dealeri

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Mansoane Ktm Half-Waffle Soft

Preț cu TVA: 85 lei
Stoc: No
Delivery in 2-4 days

Cod produs: 54802021000
Producător: KTM

Mansone KTM Soft


The special half-waffle grip has been developed to meet the demands and preferences of our factory riders, with the clear objectives: comfort AND safety - because no calluses on the palms and secure grip mean less stress when riding.
The benefits:

  • Ergonomic; contour matched to the shape of the hand for maximum comfort
  • Small "half waffle" ribs on the rear for secure grip
  • Made from two materials with different grades of hardness
  • Available in two versions (soft and medium)
  • Three areas for the metal safety wire

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